Our team

Claude Mauret

CEO & Manager - Expert in institutions, management, and rural development

37 years of professional experience in international cooperation in various fields of expertise: private sector, institutional and public finance, decentralisation, local development, rural, natural resources, pastoralism. 

With an agricultural, economic and legal academic background, Claude Mauret completed his studies in 2013 with a Master's degree from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse, France. He has developed an expertise in local development, rural development, natural resources, decentralisation and pastoralism through the implementation of major projects of the French, Danish and European Union cooperation 

He has acquired significant expertise in private sector support and microfinance. He also has significant experience in rural and pastoral hydraulics in the Sahel, where he started his career. 

Over the last 10 years, he has also developed a strong expertise in the field of public finance (state, local authorities, public institutions) and the definition and implementation of the sector-wide approach in the agriculture, water, education and good governance sectors. 

Finally, his positions as director and manager in international projects and structures have given him a strong capacity and experience in human resources management, marketing, and financial management. He is also a farmer in France.

Caroline Dulau

Expert in public policy, evaluation, and capitalisation

19 years of professional experience 

Caroline is a geographer with a degree in social sciences and a postgraduate diploma in international project management. For the past 19 years, Caroline has been working with cooperation agencies, NGOs and local authorities on technical assistance missions (project management, capacity building) as well as short-term assignments. 

She has carried out numerous project evaluations, situational and sectoral analyses, literature reviews, needs identification studies and stakeholder mapping. In particular, she works in the fields of education, vocational training, social policies and local development.

She has been living in West Africa for seven years (Burkina Faso, then Senegal and now Niger), and has also spent two years in Central Africa in Gabon for the Central African Protected Areas Network, as well as in French Guyana.

Taha Labbaci

Expert in rural development and agricultural advisory

16 years of professional experience 

Taha joined the ACK team in December 2020. He is an agricultural engineer with 16 years of experience in NGOs and consultancies in the Maghreb region (Morocco-Algeria and Tunisia). He speaks French, Arabic and English. Taha started his professional career in 2010, in Morocco. Since 2015, he has been coordinating multi-country projects in North Africa where he has developed a very diverse and rich network.

He has extended his expertise in the areas of needs assessment, project design and financing, structuring of agricultural sectors, support to professional organisations, analysis of public policies and assistance in decision-making and strategic choices. He has worked as a consultant for several consultancy firms, particularly in the sectors of professional integration of rural youth, strategic planning, participatory management of natural resources, training and agricultural advice.

Marta Morin-Kasprzyk

Expert in rural development and agricultural advisory

16 years of professional experience

Marta graduated in 2008 as an agricultural engineer (SupAgro Montpellier). Initially specialised in livestock systems in the South, she has gradually broadened her skills to several areas of international rural development, and in particular to support for producers' organisations, support for the development of value chains and agricultural consultancy.

Marta has 16 years of professional experience, 14 of which in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, but also in South America and Central Europe. Her various technical assistance missions (Madagascar - 6 years, Burkina Faso (and Ivory Coast) - 3 years, Tanzania - 2 years) and consultations have developed her versatility, her management and capacity building skills and her expertise on various issues such as agro-ecology, support for young producers and the territorial approach.

As coordinator of a cross-cutting project in 5 countries (from 2014 to 2018), she has developed her expertise in the facilitation of capitalisation work and evaluative approaches (impact studies, change-oriented approaches). Marta speaks French, English, Spanish, Polish and Malagasy. She joined the ACK International team in September 2021.

Mariem Fafin

Expert in inclusion, intercultural relations and good governance

16 years of professional experience

Mariem graduated from the University of Montreal in Political Science and Latin American Studies. She has 16 years of experience in the design, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of policies, strategies, programs and projects aimed at the protection of human rights and inclusion in various intercultural contexts in Canada and internationally.

She has led or contributed to the following programmes and projects: development of guidelines for the recognition of ethnocultural communities in Montreal; coordination of the work of the "Table on Diversity" set up by the City of Montreal; access to human rights in Mali as part of a programme financed by the Danish Embassy in Mali; protection of children at risk of sexual exploitation in Benin.

Mariem also holds a certificate of continuing education in human rights from the University of Geneva, a certificate in law from the University of Montreal and a certificate in third party neutrality from the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution. Trilingual and fluent in French, English and Spanish, she also holds a Master's degree in intercultural mediation. She joined ACK International in March 2022.

Mohamed Diarra

Junior expert in public and private finance

10 years of professional experience

Mohamed joined the ACK team in December 2022. He holds a Bachelor's degree in financial management from Sup'Management in Fez (Morocco) and a Master's degree in financial engineering from the ESG Management School in Toulouse (France).

Mohamed started his career as a financial analyst at Mercurius, a school equipment manufacturing company located in Toulouse, France. In the field of international cooperation, he participated in a LuxDev mission for ACK in March 2022, as a consultant in charge of the elaboration of a procedures manual for the financing of innovation, private initiative and productive projects in the regions of Ségou and Sikasso (Mali) by the regional councils. He then participated in 2 missions and produced a procedures and management manual for the "Malian Diaspora Productive Investment Support Facilities" and a study to evaluate the overall performance of Denmark's contribution to the realisation of investment projects financed under the "Decentralisation" Thematic Programme and to the reinforcement of ANICT's capacities in this field. Mohamed was born in Mali and speaks French, English and Bambara.

Julie Louvel

Expert in environmental sciences, climate change & economics

16 years of professional experience

Julie combines expertise in economics, the environment and climate change. She has over 16 years of experience in the fields of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, environmental economics and agriculture. For the last ten years, she has been working on projects in Africa. She has worked in Guinea, Benin, Niger, Burkina Faso, Algeria and the Union of the Comoros. 

Her past experience includes supporting the development of a climate change adaptation project in coastal areas for the Green Fund, building the capacity of national climate change managers and stakeholders, and setting up environmental and social management and monitoring-evaluation systems. At a strategic level, she has contributed to the drafting of documents such as the NDC and the National Communications under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. She was also mission leader for the revision of the national environmental policy of the Union of the Comoros. 

Julie holds a Master's degree in Development Economics from the University of Paris X-Nanterre in France and a Master of Sciences in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies in the UK.

Xavier Besga

Expert in monitoring, evaluation and planning

12 years of professional experience

Xavier holds a Master's degree in International Development Economics and has 12 years of experience in international cooperation, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Over the course of his career, he has developed expertise in the macroeconomics of developing countries, with a particular focus on public finance and budget support. His career also includes solid experience in strategic planning (through participation in the development of National Strategic Plans, National Prospective Vision, DPPD, conducted using a participatory approach) and in monitoring and evaluation of public policies (final/mid-term evaluation/annual reviews of public policies). With regard to the coordination and effectiveness of ODA, Xavier has worked on issues such as statistical tools for monitoring aid (Paris Declaration indicator, OECD-DAC), dialogue between the State and the TFPs (joint sectoral reviews, budget support indicators, meetings between the State and the TFPs, etc.), allocation of public and private resources, and support for joint European programming processes. Xavier joined ACK International in January 2025. He speaks fluent French and English.

Géraldine Mauret

Administrative Manager

22 years of professional experience

Géraldine holds an Advanced technician's certificate (BTS) in Accounting, Commerce and Management. She joined ACK International in January 2019. Between 2003 and 2012, she worked as a management assistant for several companies in the Toulouse region. She then continued her professional career at Compass Group, as Administrative Manager from 2012 to 2018. Since the beginning of 2019, she has been Administrative Manager of ACK International, in charge of coordinating administrative, financial, and accounting tasks, as well as the administrative management of human resources.

Since the beginning of 2019, she is the Administrative Manager of ACK International, in charge of the coordination of administrative, financial and accounting tasks, as well as the administrative management of human resources.

Romain Doleux

Commercial assistant and expert in communication / evaluation

14 years of professional experience

Romain joined ACK in September 2020. He holds a Master's degree in Latin American studies from Sciences Po Grenoble, and has a solid expertise in communication and international project management. Romain is fluent in English and Spanish. He has worked in an environmental NGO in Mexico and has also supported a European research project in a French public laboratory for 2 years.

In 2022-2023, as an associate evaluator, he contributed to the mid-term and final evaluation of the Programme to support WWF France in its contribution to the New Deal for Nature and Mankind in 2020 and its implementation after 2020 (CP Nature 2020). Since 2022, it has been supporting the team of experts in a mission to assist ADEME in launching a network focusing on the circular economy in the Mediterranean.

Romain is responsible for the execution of the commercial procedures and manages ACK's communication.

Aude Mathieu

Assistante commerciale

5 années d’expérience professionnelle

Diplômée d’un Master en droit international de l’Université Paris-Saclay, après une double Licence en droit et langues (anglais et espagnol), Aude a développé une expertise en communication au sein de structures engagées. Pendant deux ans, elle a accompagné les acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire en Tunisie avec le Lab’ess, avant de rejoindre l’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), où elle a piloté la communication en Tunisie, au Maroc et au Liban.

Son parcours lui a permis d’acquérir une connaissance approfondie du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient, ainsi que de l’Amérique latine, où elle a vécu un an (Mexique et Pérou). Francophone, elle parle également couramment anglais et espagnol et possède des notions en arabe dialectal tunisien.

Début 2025, elle rejoint ACK International pour appuyer les experts en tant qu’assistante commerciale.